Designer Spotlight: Andy
Welcome to the first in our series of Designer Spotlights! Here we give you the opportunity to get to know our team, find out what drives them, what inspires them and perhaps pick up some useful tips along the way.
First up we have our Senior Designer, Andy.
Andy is a highly experienced and creative designer, he specialises in brand but also applies his skills across digital design. He joined For Different in Autumn 2024 as a key member of our team, working closely with our Creative Director and contributing hugely to the culture of the studio.
What are your go-to places for staying up to date with the latest design news and trends?
A: BrandNew is the perfect site for this. A constant stream of the latest rebrands from all corners of the industry. The usual creative blogs are always worth checking too: It’s Nice That and Creative Boom. And I still find a lot of useful inspiration on Dribbble.
What’s your favourite brand logo of all time and why?
A: Exposure. The more you look, the more interesting it is. It has depth, shadows, perspective and hidden subliminal shapes. It also passes the age old of test of looking just as good when blown up big as it does really small. I’ve tried and failed many times to make something similar. It’s effortlessly slick and timelessly cool.
Most underrated creative tool? (can be digital/physical)
A: Books! I always find myself coming back to books when I’m in a creative rut. There’s always a gem or two tucked away in the pages of a good logo book that you won’t find on Pinterest or Designspiration.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
The Lake District. If you’ve been, you’ll know why. One day…
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given during your career?
A: There’s two.
The best way to solve a problem is to step away from the problem. The amount of times I’ve found the answer to my design woes mid-way through a lunch run, half way through dinner or finishing up a completely different brief. You never know when inspiration will strike but there’s a good chance it’s when you least expect it.
The other is ‘Work with nice people’. This one’s self-explanatory - life’s too short.
If you could write a letter to yourself at the start of your career - sum up what you would say in one sentence.
The journey is just as important as the destination.
What movie could you watch every day?
A: Cool Runnings. Absolute classic.